Saturday, 29 October 2011

Bloggy things

I have now completed five more blog "things."
I signed up to the RSS feed of the "things" programme I'm on.
I signed up to the RSS feed of philosophy and public affairs, a premier journal in my field.
I have already signed up to plenty of podcasts (admittedly not usually academic ones) using itunes. Some of them are fairly worthy radio 4 type ones like the Reith lectures and "In our time." I'm just looking through itunesu, looks like there is loads on there!

Unfortunately my ipod has been out of action for a little while, and so I've got a big backlog of podcasts already.

I already have an account and an eprofile, so those two things were easy!Link

Monday, 24 October 2011

Slideshare test

I'm going through a series of blogging 'things' on an online Warwick training thing.

The first was to set up the blog (done). Second is to add something to the blog via slideshare. I've put an old working paper up on there and I'm going to link to it to check I've got it all working...
Ciph working paper
View more documents from dougbamford.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

What is the point of this blog?

I hope in this blog to share my thoughts about general things, perhaps such as politics, philosophy, culture/arts and current affairs.

However, I imagine that the main focus will be on sharing my ideas and research on taxation. Specifically, about the CLIPH-rate tax, which is an overall tax regime that I have invented/discovered/named.

What's in a name?

I've just spent an inordinate amount of time coming up with a name for this blog. Turns out someone already took 'taxappeal' (even though they have so far only posted one word in five years).

I guess the title could be taken in any of a number of ways. Is it an appeal for changes in tax law? (kind of). Am I trying to appeal a decision about my tax liabilities? (no). Am I appealing for money to support my research and writing on taxation? (feel free to get in touch). Is it supposed to sound a bit like sex-appeal? (yes).

Anyway, I hope you like it.