Following on from
previous blog, I will now argue that earning subsidies, such as
hourly averaging proposal, are preferable to Predistribution. I will begin
by setting out the mainstream economic view of the minimum wage and then
consider this. My argument is that a minimum wage, if effective at raising
hourly earnings will have much more serious economic effects than an hourly
earnings subsidy.
I will mostly focus my arguments on the aspects of
Predistribution which would seek to raise wages either by imposing high minimum
wages, by imposing collective wage bargaining, or by training workers so that
employers can employee higher skilled (and therefore higher paid) workers.
According to
economic theory, policies of the above types will cause a mixture of price
and unemployment increases. I will explain the logic of this.
In the absence of any government intervention workers and
employers will make agreements whereby workers get paid at least their reserve
price for labour—the point at which they would rather not do the job.
Similarly, employers will demand labour up until the point that the price
(wage) is equal to their willingness to pay. This willingness to pay valuation
will reflect the relative price and productivity of labour compared to
substitute inputs such as capital.
A minimum wage acts as a price floor in the market for
low-skilled labour (as illustrated in Figure 1 below, assuming that the floor
is set above the equilibrium market price i.e. that the minimum wage is
At price pmin the wage is greater than
employers’ marginal value of labour at the market equilibrium level. This will
cause employers to substitute their demand towards capital inputs and
higher-skilled labour for which the relative price has now reduced. As such only
quantity QD is demanded at the minimum wage rate.
Figure 1
Illustration of Welfare Loss from Price Floor
At the same time, the minimum wage rate has induced the
entry of workers whose reservation wage was below the prevailing market rate,
such that quantity Qs is now supplied. The minimum wage has
therefore created a labour surplus equal to distance Qs minus QD.
This represents the induced involuntary unemployment that results from the
imposition of the minimum wage.
The social welfare loss of the imposition of the minimum
wage is represented by the shaded triangle. This is welfare loss is equal to i)
the surplus foregone by employers who would previously have been able to employ
quantity Q’ minus QD of labour at a price above its marginal value
(area A) and ii) the surplus foregone by workers Q’ minus QD who
would previously have earned a wage above their reservation rate.
Some workers are worse off as they will become
involuntarily unemployed. Meanwhile firms will have greater costs. Affected firms
which cannot change their production processes will have to pay higher wages yet
their output will remain the same. Some firms will be able to alter their
processes to get more from each worker by increasing their capital inputs. This
will enable them to make better use of the more expensive workers they now
employ, but will cost more than employing workers at the lower rate would have
done. Where firms can pass on the higher production costs they will do so,
usually because all firms in the same sector are affected similarly. However, where
firms cannot charge higher prices then they will lose market share to their
competitors (either firms in the same sector which operate with lower wages or
sectors of the economy will lose out to other sectors).
Caution about textbook models
Of course, the real economy does not work exactly like a textbook
or a model. Minimum wages do not always immediately produce the above effects,
a point well-made by economists such as
Card and Krueger. Indeed,
the minimum wage in the UK did not have any obvious unemployment and price
effects. However, there are many reasons why this does not disprove the
mainstream picture. For example, it was introduced gradually during a period of
economic growth, and at a level that was unlikely to be biting.
A second type of caution about textbook models is that
they assume that firms are already maximally efficient and will therefore pass
on any costs to customers rather than increase efficiency. This may muddy the
textbook response further, though in an abstract discussion between broad
policy options such as this one there is little to make of this point. It does
mean, however, that in some cases the price rises resulting from Predistributive
policies may be avoided to the extent that efficiencies can be found elsewhere.
If the minimum wage were raised from the current £6.50 to
“living wage” levels (living wage advocates argue for £8.80 in London) or the
Green Party proposal for a £10 minimum wage by 2020, then it would be much more
likely to bite. The more the bite the more reasonable the expectation that the above
described effects will occur.
The extent of the unemployment or price rise effect will
depend upon the sector in question, and whether a) the cost can be passed on to
consumers (increasing prices), b) whether it is possible to substitute capital
instead of workers (increasing unemployment) and c) whether the work can be
done elsewhere—either directly by the same employer or indirectly where an
industry declines in one country and increases in another.
Predistributive policies like the minimum wage may not
end up causing mass unemployment. However, this would be because they would
cause major shifts in the direction of economy. Employers who can pass on their
costs to customers will largely continue as before, while those which cannot
will decline. For example, retail spending would be maintained. However, the
difference is that industries with competitors or sites with less onerous
minimum wage regulations would switch production to those cheaper locations.
Supporters of Predistribution might respond that ideally
the minimum wage would apply to all the employers in the world. However, even
this would mean that employers would have to provide work that was worth doing
at that minimum wage. Employers would have to alter their production methods in
order to make sure it is worthwhile employing all their staff at a higher rate.
The new methods of production would, by definition, be different from that
undertaken in the absence of the minimum wage, and these methods are clearly
less efficient than the alternative. Employers will pass this loss in
efficiency on to consumers in higher prices for their products (assuming they are
unable to make efficiencies elsewhere). Even those who do not purchase these
products will be affected as those who pay more for the affected products will
have fewer resources to expend elsewhere (or invest) than they would have done
without the minimum wage.
A final important point is that price rises are not only
going to occur in industries heavily affected by the minimum wage. The rises in
prices will filter through the rest of the economy as other sectors will make
use of goods or services provided by these industries. If the latter industries
have more expensive inputs then they will often pass these on in price rises as
well. For example, if it becomes more expensive to run a transport distribution
company then these costs will be passed on to all businesses using this
service. These increased costs will be passed on to the consumers who buy items
that have been transported—which is pretty much everyone.
Market interference is acceptable
Now, I am fully in favour of interfering in markets to
assist the less fortunate, and also to respond to market failures. I’m not a
free-market ideologue. My disagreement with Predistribution therefore arises
where policies to raise wages or productivity interfere with the market in a
counterproductive fashion.
Earning subsidies such as those I propose would also
interfere with markets. However, if they are well-designed they will do little
to alter the overall pattern of employment. The primary outcome is that most
people receive more income for doing similar work to that which they would have
done otherwise. Predistributive interventions, on the other hand, will
interfere in a much more profound manner.
Essentially my argument is that Predistributive policies
may help some people, but will often make a lot of other people worse-off. My
tax proposals are highly progressive and so I am happy to make some people
worse-off if it makes society as a whole more just. However, Predistributive
policies are likely to make some less well-off members of society worse-off as
well as many of the better-off.
The distributive effects of Predistributive policies may
not be as consistently progressive as its advocates assume. If economic growth
is reduced as a result of the economic inefficiencies generated by the policies
then this could make everyone economically worse off, potentially reducing tax
revenues as well. Price rises would also impact on everyone’s spending power,
as their income would not go as far as it would have otherwise.
The main way in which some of the least economically fortunate will definitely end up much worse off is if they are rendered unemployed. This would not only occur because the unemployment rate would be expected to increase, but also because those most desperate for work (and therefore have a reservation wage) are the most likely to miss out on work. The change in the job market may induce other workers to take jobs or work longer and they would take the place of those who want the work more.
All of these points mean Predistribution can create a
group of people who are rendered worse off than they would have been otherwise.
Predistribution vs. Hourly Averaging
As I have explained, Predistribution will produce at
least one (and possibly all) of several deleterious effects; increasing prices,
increasing involuntary unemployment, and shifting economic activity in unwanted
For the above reasons, the overall distributive effects
of Predistributive policies may not be as universally progressive as its
advocates may assume. Some unfortunate people may end up worse off than they
would with much less intervention. Even for those who would earn more, countervailing
factors—such as lower levels of economic efficiency and higher prices—would eat
into their gains.
The international nature of the economy adds further
problems. If one state adopts wage-increasing policies it may make some of
their industries less competitive, which will worsen the balance of trade and
the ensuing impacts of this further down the line. If all countries adopt the
Predistributive policies then this is likely to cause mass involuntary
unemployment and harm global economic growth.
I think Predistributive policies are preferable to leaving
everything to the market. However, they interfere with market-led efficiency
much more intensely than hourly averaging would. As long as it is possible to
generate the tax revenues necessary to provide earning subsidies then this is
clearly the way to go.