There are several types of earning subsidy and I will
explain why using my
hourly averaging tax proposal as an earning subsidy scheme is
much more effective than rival approaches. I will start out by expressing some
concerns with existing subsidy schemes, and then highlight why hourly subsidies
are more effective. Then I will explain why hourly averaging would be more
effective than Edmund Phelps’ alternative hour-based proposal.
Earning subsidy schemes that are based solely on earned
income, such as
US system, may encourage people to work fewer hours than they might
otherwise. To counteract this, the policy tends to be focused on those with
children, and with limited generosity to discourage people from reducing their
paid employment. The policy therefore offers little assistance to people
without children who work very long hours for low wages.
If it were more generous, in a way that would make a
really significant difference to the lives of low-paid people, then it might
induce people to work fewer hours as a result. Some people with higher earnings
but a desire for more leisure could switch to part-time employment where the
subsidy would make up for some of their lost income. These people would consider
the remaining reduction their income to be worthwhile given the additional
leisure they would obtain, though they would not have done without the subsidy.
This would mean that some of the resources in the scheme will be assisting
relatively fortunate people in order to enable them to work less. This reduces
the resources available to assist others (or increases the expense of the
One way to increase the generosity of earning subsidies
without encouraging people to take more leisure is to add a requirement for the
adults in a family to work a certain number of hours each week in order to
qualify for the scheme. This is the approach taken with working tax credits
in the UK, where
people are required to work either 16, 24, or 30 hours in order to qualify
(depending on the number of adults and children in the household).
The problem with this approach is that the threshold is
going to be somewhat arbitrarily set and will not be suitable for many people.
Some people who we would want to assist will not meet the threshold and
therefore miss out. The main point is that the threshold will have to be set
with the aim of either assisting full-time or part-time low-earners. However,
both of these groups could be among the less economically fortunate.
Furthermore, the introduction of a threshold will change
people’s behaviour. Some may ensure that they work the numbers of hours
required in order to meet the threshold, despite the fact that they and/or
their employers would have preferred them to work fewer hours. It will thereby
alter the amount of work done in society, potentially providing disincentives
for some people to work and extra incentives to others.
Finally, if you add an hour requirement into the system
in order to make the tax credits more effective and targeted, then there should
be a means to monitor the number of hours worked by those claiming for hour
credits. After all, it might appear sensible to introduce several thresholds
with each qualifying someone for a different subsidy scheme. However, the more
nuanced the scheme the greater the degree of monitoring that will be required.
If the number of hours is potentially going to be monitored then my challenge
is to ask why not go the whole hog and make good use of this information to generate
a more effective system?
This is a challenge I would present to an interesting
earning subsidy proposal from economist Edmund Phelps in his book Rewarding Work. Phelps proposes a
subsidy that would be paid to employers for each low paid employee with the
greatest payments for the workers with the lowest hourly pay. This proposal is
the closest in intent to my hourly subsidy proposal, in that the subsidy would
lead to higher pay for low-paid workers. However, Phelps proposes that only
full-time workers should be eligible. This makes the scheme much less flexible
around people’s requirements. If someone has caring or other responsibilities,
or simply wants to work fewer hours, they will not receive any support in order
to do so. Again this is setting an overly restrictive hours threshold, as part
of a system which requires hours to be monitored anyway.
In summary, earning subsidies are a popular proposal
among economists as a way to help the low-paid without discouraging them from
working as much as a basic income or negative income tax would. However, the
tax credits in place tend not to be generous because this might encourage
people to work fewer hours. Some people and governments have realised that
earnings subsidies are much more effective if they can be applied on a per-hour
basis. However, if account is being taken of the number of hours worked then I
would suggest that it is much better to do this properly and provide the subsidy
on a lifetime hourly basis. This would target payments to those who have a
consistently low income, which is the best available unobtrusive indication of
poor economic fortune.