Thursday 16 May 2024

Climate realism?

Physicist and Science communicator Sabine Hossenfelder has been typically blunt about the distance between the plans and the reality when it comes to decarbonisation in a recent video Time to Get Real about Climate Change.

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Personally I am concerned that we will shift from ignorance/disinformation-based apathy to doom-based apathy. 

It would have been much easier to stick to 1.5 or 2 degrees of warming if people had taken the issue seriously in 1989, 1999, 2009 etc. 

The longer you leave it the harder it becomes. 

It is now VERY hard, yet we still get huge amounts of disinformation.

I can see why people become doomers but I think that is a complete cop-out and too easy. 

What is clear is that absolutely huge amounts of low/zero-carbon power are urgently needed, whether that is to replace fossil fuels or sequester historic emissions and both are urgently needed. 

So let's get on and build that as a matter of urgency - things can be done quickly if there is political will. We wasted too many decades already. 

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