Thursday 10 November 2011

Twitter and Lanyrd

I already had a twitter account - predictably it is @dougbamford.

Unfortunately, I don't have many followers, so I'm not sure how its helping me. However, I do follow some people in my field, and I'm sure I have found some interesting and helpful information from them.

I've just signed up to Lanyrd, which is a forum for conference information sharing. You sign in using your twitter account, but unfortunately none of my twitter friends are on there so I'm not sure how useful it will be in the short term.


Jenny Delasalle said...

Perhaps Lanyrd won't be useful in the short term, although you make an interesting point about the value of a twitter account: I do find my twitter account useful for signing in to things. Like commenting on blogs! I'm not so comfortable with using my Facebook account for work, so I'm pleased to have Twitter as a more professional face.
Another thing that I find Twitter useful for is when there is a conference or other event where people are tweeting: I can follow the tweets of others there, even if I can't attend myself.
So I don't mind whether people follow me or not!

Jenny (23 Things tutor)

nouseforaname said...

Hi Doug, if you add "#digitalwarwick" to the end of one of your tweets i promise you people will find you :-)

dougbamford said...

Yes, I should make much better use of # and @. To be honest, I haven't done many tweets lately as I haven't had time/things to say in 144 characters.

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